Hybrid Localized Spectral Decomposition for multiscale problems
June 27, 2017
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
We consider a finite element method for elliptic equation with heterogeneous
and possibly high-contrast coefficients based on primal hybrid formulation. A
space decomposition as in FETI and BDCC allows a sequential computations of the
A progress on the binary Goldbach conjecture
June 26, 2017
Number Theory
In this paper we develop the method of circle of partitions and associated
statistics. As an application we prove conditionally the binary Goldbach
conjecture. We develop series of steps to prove the binary Goldbach conjecture
in full. We e...
An algorithm to find maximum area polygons circumscribed about a convex
June 25, 2017
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Metric Geometry
A convex polygon Q is circumscribed about a convex polygon P if every vertex
of P lies on at least one side of Q. We present an algorithm for finding a
maximum area convex polygon circumscribed about any given convex n-gon in
O(n^3) time. A...
The coarse index class with support
June 21, 2017
Differential Geometry
K-Theory and Homology
We construct the coarse index class with support condition (as an element of
coarse K-homology) of an equivariant Dirac operator on a complete Riemannian
manifold endowed with a proper, isometric action of a group. We further show a
Involutive bordered Floer homology
June 20, 2017
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Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
We give a bordered extension of involutive HF-hat and use it to give an
algorithm to compute involutive HF-hat for general 3-manifolds. We also explain
how the mapping class group action on HF-hat can be computed using bordered
Floer homolo...
A differentiable monoid of smooth maps on Lie groupoids
June 15, 2017
Group Theory
Differential Geometry
In this article we investigate a monoid of smooth mappings on the space of
arrows of a Lie groupoid and its group of units. The group of units turns out
to be an infinite-dimensional Lie group which is regular in the sense of
Milnor. Furthe...
On derived equivalence for Abuaf flop: mutation of non-commutative
crepant resolutions and spherical twists
June 14, 2017
Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra
Rings and Algebras
Recently, Segal constructed a derived equivalence for an interesting 5-fold
flop that was provided by Abuaf. The aim of this article is to add some results
for the derived equivalence for Abuaf's flop. Concretely, we study the
equivalence f...
Macroscopic limit from a structured population model to the
Kirkpatrick-Barton model
June 13, 2017
Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
We consider an ecology model in which the population is structured by a
spatial variable and a phenotypic trait. The model combines a parabolic
operator on the spatial variable with a kinetic operator on the trait variable.
We prove the exi...
Security Camera Movie and ERP Data Matching System to Prevent Theft
June 12, 2017
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
In this paper, we propose a SaaS service which prevents shoplifting using
image analysis and ERP. In Japan, total damage of shoplifting reaches 450
billion yen. Based on cloud and data analysis technology, we propose a
shoplifting preventio...
The face numbers of homology spheres
June 11, 2017
Commutative Algebra
Rings and Algebras
The g-theorem is a momentous result in combinatorics that gives a complete
numerical characterization of the face numbers of simplicial convex polytopes.
The g-conjecture asserts that the same numerical conditions given in the